Fallen Angels, 2, Foodstamps

Dick and Jane hate welfare programs. They’ll tell you how welfare makes poor people even poorer, and lazier.

The young White House staffers met and fell in love while shaping messages in favor of slashing nutrition programs.

Since losing their jobs when a new president was inaugurated, Jane and Dick have maxed out their credit cards and over the years Jane has hit up her parents and grandparents one time too many.

Things being what they are, they’ve agreed that until they’re gainfully employed again, they’ll hold their noses and accept a bit of welfare themselves. Ayn Rand can go fuck herself.

They were disappointed to learn they’d have to pay for chardonnays and cabs out of their own pocket.


Fallen Angels, 1, Moving

It came as a shock when their boss wasn’t reelected. Suddenly Jane and Dick were without jobs.

Their combined salaries as lower-level staffers had allowed them to rent a sweet little place on the periphery of Georgetown.

The dear couple had worked in the White House promoting policies that would have made it impossible for hundreds of millions of people to visit our country. It was all very romantic.

Now they’re looking at apartments in the less expensive parts of town, neighborhoods where working-class immigrants live.

They’re confident their new neighbors will welcome them with open arms. What they’re not sure is if they should park their BMW 3 Series on the street. There’s more than a year left on its lease.
