Jack Birdsall

Things happened recently that set the young barista on a very different path in life.

He earned his undergrad degree. He met a wonderful woman at church and they married. He started his first salaried job.

As a student he focused on writing and directing for movies and television. His university sends exceptional talents into that field but Jack has decided not to head off to Los Angeles or New York.

Filmmaking fame and fortune will have to come later.

For now he and his wife are entertaining another idea. In the not-so-distant future they hope to settle into a home and start a family. Jack will need a steady income to make that happen.

What draws Jack Birdsall toward parenthood may be that as the youngest of five, he’s part of a close family raised by parents while they served as missionaries in Ukraine. These are people of faith.

The full-time job the former barista accepted echoes the scriptural call to ‘replenish the earth’ and to be stewards of it.

He’s currently working in a person-to-person role in the green economy. His company is part of the transport chain that manages organic compost, reducing heat-trapping methane gas and chemicals used in agriculture.

When it comes to things like tantrums and croup and the considerable cost of diapers, Jack knows he’ll be tested.

But not to worry. Once a barista always a barista.

Anyone who can tame commuters frantic to catch a train and bristling for a first cup of coffee can handle anything the Terrible Twos, the Testy Threes and the Fearless Fours can throw at him.



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