Meet David Compton

An achievement is measured by the distance between a challenge and the resources available to overcome it. David Compton was an architectural draftsman, capable, well-employed. It was linear, straight-forward work perfect for a person who needs to shut out the chaos around him and focus on the task at hand. He delivered a product he was proud of.

But his industry went digital, and with every architectural firm he called, it became clear his livelihood had vanished. Loss of steady work combined with the ins-and-outs of existence to take its toll.

People and organizations came to David’s aid. He has lived in public housing and at a YMCA. He currently receives Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. The C4 Centers facilitate his medications, offer group therapy sessions and have helped him find employment. He takes none of this for granted.

David was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness but was recently confirmed as an Episcopalian. His faith provides a foundation for hope. The more he has been tested the more he believes that the unwritten Eleventh Commandment is to never give up.

David now lives independently in a place of his own. He has a checking account, a credit card and a car he drives to work. He has five newspapers delivered each day. “They help get me out of myself.” he explains.

A charming man, a man perfectly suited to provide customer service at a nearby grocery store, David’s job definition requires attention to detail, precise follow through and doing things on a timely basis. He goes out of his way to connect with his customers (he recognized me from the coffee shop and we struck up a friendship).

David, like so many others who achieve success in their particular fields, is modest about his latest accomplishments.



    • Pat Shiplett

      Thanks, Randy. When David’s at the coffee shop, he usually has a stack of history books in front of him. A very interesting man.

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