
A quick exchange of pleasantries, then Natasha… gets to work at a table or in the window of our coffee shop, often for hours at a time.

Natasha Naumenko will tell you the drought was intermittent and not severe enough by itself to cause the Soviet Famine.

There was more at play, she will tell you.

It is Natasha’s conviction that the victims were institutionally starved of incentive and initiative as well as food.

She writes, “…I show that in the short run collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union contributed to the 1932-1933 famine that killed seven to ten million people.”

The Soviet state owned the fields and the crops. In many ways it owned the peasants who worked them. (Orwell’s “Animal Farm” was inspired by these deprivations.) Read more…


Chris Green’s Erasure Poem

Construction of American Pipelines
Erasure poem by Chris Green

* * *

The United States, hereby retrofit.
With regard to all iron or steel borders, submit.

* * *

This ‘erasure poem’ is derived from the Presidential Memorandum regarding Construction of the American Pipelines.

It was written by Chris Green, a well-respected poet who frequents our local coffee shop. Poets like Chris are to coffee shops what humus is to homegrown cabbage and tomatoes.

For those who don’t know, that would be most of us, an erasure poem is constructed by snatching key words from a document, arranging them, and erasing the others. The result may intensify the intent of the original, or challenge it.

Read the memorandum here: Read more…


The Wang Creed

He knew that he and the world he lived in would not long survive.At the height of the Second World War when civil strife was continuing to tear through China, Bogun Wang’s [Wang Bogun] health was failing.

The educator and revolutionary feared for his family.

As the head of a clan whose prominence traced back nine generations, Bogun rewrote the centuries-old Wang family creed to guide his heirs through catastrophic times. My good friend Ed is his son.

Above all else the Wang Creed called for filial piety. Respect for elders and ancestors was the primary virtue stressed by Confucius, the revered philosopher who has shaped Chinese life since 500 BC.

Bogun warned that his society was turning from agriculture to commerce and that education would be the key to stability. He preached that those who inherit wealth cannot afford to be idle. The privileges and resources of the clan were dwindling, they would need to be shared and used wisely.

When the Communists gained power, Bogun’s widow Zhining and her children took asylum in the U.S., leaving Bogun’s world behind.

Ed has not updated the formal code of conduct as his father did.

What he has done, at the urging of his children, is to write a book that recounts his family’s role in revolutionary China. Like Bogun’s efforts, Ed’s book is a personal gift from a father to his family. A show of filial piety in reverse.

‘Patriot and Warriors’* will be archived and crawled far beyond the world of people named Wang — historians are a hungry bunch.

*Patriot and Warriors is now available at Amazon


Text Of The Wang Family Creed

When I was a child, my father had taught me that we should unite our family with filial piety and friendship… Read more…


Go Back To Where You Came From

women-in-head-scarf-bros-k-2-600pxWhat he wanted to know, but was too polite to ask, is if he and his wife are in danger.(Names and faces are not included in the post for a reason. Read on.)
الأسماء والصورة غير متاحة لعدة أسباب

The man on the ‘L’ didn’t know she is in the U.S. legally. He saw a young woman alone, wearing a headscarf, and that was enough for him.

“Go back to where you came from.” he yelled.
لم يكن يعرف الشاب الأمريكي أن (ل) تقيم في أمريكا بشكل قانوني، لهذا عندما شاهد شابة وحيدة ترتدي غطاء الرأس، تقدم لها وكان كافياً أن يقول لها بكل جرأة لها: “ارجعي من حيث أتيت”

“I’m not in your home,” the graduate student replied. The encounter took place last week, the day after the presidential election.
ردت عليه طالب الدراسات العليا، بكل بساطة: ” أنا لست في بيتك”، حدث هذا الأسبوع الماضي بعد يوم واحد فقط من انتخابات الرئاسة الأمريكية

The woman’s husband asked an American he had met if they could talk. He had spent a year entirely dedicated to studying English and he was in the habit of listening carefully.
زوج هذه الشابة سأل أمريكي في لقاء عابر، إذا كان من الممكن أن نتحدث، هذا الشاب تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية خلال السنوات الماضية بشكل مكثف.

He asked if the American was worried about what was reported to be happening across the country. What he wanted to know, but was too polite to ask, is if he and his wife are in danger. Have they become targets?
كان سؤاله، إذا ما كانت أمريكا قلقة بشأن ما ذكرته أن يحدث في جميع أنحاء البلاد؟ كل ما ما كان يريد أن يعرفه، هل هو وزوجته في خطر، ومن المحتمل أن يصبحوا هدف؟ كان مؤدبا في طرح هذا السؤال.

He is here studying sociology with an emphasis on culture and religion, which includes the kind of fanaticism all too familiar in his part of the world.
هذا الزوج هو هنا لدراسة علم الاجتماع، مع اهتمام بعلم الاجتماع الثقافي والديني والفاشية التي هي سائدة في بعض مناطق العالم.

During his first stay in the U.S. he had been hosted by an African-American woman whom he refers to as his “American grandmother.” She assured him he is welcome here. For his wife’s safety he hopes that is still true.
في أول أيامه عند قدومه إلى أمريكا، كان يقيم في بيت سيدة أمريكية- إفريقية، يشببها أنها جدته في أمريكا. كانت هذه السيدة تؤكد على الترحيب به هنا في هذه البلاد هو وزوجته.

The friendship between the Middle Eastern couple and the American started like many do at our local coffee shop, by sharing an electrical outlet. They quickly discovered their views on life aren’t so very different and that their various mobile devices run on the same AC current.
بدأت الصداقة بين الزوجين القادمين من الشرق الأوسط والرجل الأمريكي في مقهى المحلي للقهوة، كما نفعل هنا دائما، وذلك بمشاركة فيش الكهرباء. مع الوقت إكتشفو وجهات نظرهم المتشابهه حول بعض القضايا، كما أن الأجهزة الكهربائية المختلفة تعمل على نفس التيار. fingerprint4-only-final-40px


Neal and the Climate

Neal-Blair-mustache-only-crop-600pxIf you anguish
over what claims you can believe
and whom you should trust in the debate over climate change, pull up a stool and join the club.

There’s a scientist named Neal who often escapes from his lab to work in the windows of our humble coffee house. He deals with the biogeochemical transformations of organic carbon in surficial environments.

Neal’s good at explaining things.

He’ll walk you through the molecular makeup of the atmosphere and explain how solar energy penetrates our environment, raising temperatures.

You’ll learn that the thermal energy radiated back into space has a longer wavelength than energy coming in, and that it is trapped by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Earth heats up, ice shelves collapse, ocean currents get confused, etc. etc. Mostly it’s not good.

If you happen to be skeptical about climate risks (perfectly understandable what with certain preachers and talk radio and everything), Neal will challenge you to recognize one simple fact. And that is this:

Climate change projections are subject to exhaustive peer review.

Peer review pits independent research teams against one another. They like nothing more than to debunk each other’s theories. They replicate experiments and triangulate computer modeling. It’s a barb-wired-enclosed process that attracts the best minds in the field. Reputations and front teeth hang in the balance.

Neal Blair is a professor in the departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University. His work is cited internationally. He earned his Ph.D. at Stanford.

Neal’s among the 90 percent* or so of environmental and earth scientists who interpret the body of peer-reviewed data as proof that human activity is raising CO2 concentrations to dangerous levels.

Maybe some morning one of the scientists who dismiss climate change as a hoax — one of those in the small minority — will join us for a cup of coffee. We’d like nothing more than to put our phones on vibrate and listen to the peer-reviewed data on the other side of the debate. fingerprint4-only-final-40px

* this percentage is often quoted as a higher number
