Fallen Angels, 25, Bath
Jane came up with a plan to make the money she and Dick so desperately need.
She imagined the 147 members of Congress who voted to overturn the election would pay her handsomely to write snappy little tweets they could post to hide that they had violated the Constitution.
She’d help them argue that her old boss actually won reelection because he got more votes than he did in 2016 — ignoring that seven million more Americans voted for his opponent.
When she worked at the White House, Jane was part of a team effort that made distorting reality glamorous. But alone at home, the unclean feeling that comes from scamming gullible people comes over her more quickly than usual.
Luckily, a few hits of sativa and a long hot bath wash it away.
What bothers her more is that her new business plan pays less than the tips that were thrown at her as a dancer during her college years.
Follow the travails of the Fallen Angels from the first installment.