Fallen Angels, 16, Pregnant

Jane didn’t want to jinx things by rushing off to CVS to pickup a test kit.

She and Dick had been careful, and anxiety and exhaustion had fooled her before.

She’d wait a few days to see if their lives were going to be turned upside down. No reason to worry her husband at this point.

The two of them have been struggling since the defeat of the president.

Unemployed and close to being broke, they’re having trouble getting interviews because they’re closely associated with the Big Lie (that the election was stolen) and with the riot it incited.

This is absolutely no time to be searching for promo codes on Similac.

It turns out that Jane was right, stress had fooled her once again.

She wouldn’t be tempted to call the phone number that had been circulated around the White House.

It’s the private line of an OB/GYN in Arlington whose limited, cash-only practice makes it nearly impossible to dig up the names of her patients.


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