The enduring promise of the American Dream is written all over this woman’s face.Being born mid-century and being born an American, she’s lived through a more prosperous and less violent period than any the world has experienced.
Her country hasn’t seen war within its borders during her lifetime, nukes weren’t deployed. She’s been spared decades-long famines and droughts. Much of the working class has earned living wages. Store shelves have been stocked with foods and conveniences unimaginable even decades earlier
She grew up learning patriotic slogans and accepting myths that marshaled a nation during WWII. Schoolbooks described a land of exceptional virtue and opportunity that welcomed huddled masses from around the world.
She’s seen eighteen presidential inaugurations and depending on how she consumes events of the day, and how capable she is of reexamining her own thinking, her understanding of America today may be different from the ideas she inherited.
The child sitting on her lap knows nothing of the past and even less of the future that awaits him. He’s not sure why his (grandmother?) is having him wave a flag; but the ice cream and fireworks later in the day, those he will understand.
Seventy years from now, he may take a child to an Independence Day parade. And what he explains to him or her will depend on the whims of history and on the wisdom of American voters and the continued peaceful transition of power.
Thanks to Roland Lieber, who captured this image in a small town on the western edge of the Great Lakes.

Tom Figel
Thoughtful, Pat. Thanks.
Pat Shiplett
Thanks, Tom. As you’ve mentioned, the country is in a time the likes of which we haven’t seen before.
Thanks for this piece, Pat. I feel a deep gratitude for my 61 years of freedom, abundance, and peace in this country, even though I wasn’t born here!
Jenny Hager
Very powerful, Pat.
Pat Shiplett
Thanks, Jenny. The more Fourths of July you’ve seen, the more you recognize the currents that shape the times we live in.
Randy Gaynes
The child’s expression looked exactly like mine halfway through the recent Biden-Trump debate. Hopefully, Biden and the Democratic Party will do the right thing in upcoming days and put a smile on both of our faces–and maybe even grandma’s!
Thanks, Pat, for providing an interesting perspective on the 4th of July.
Pat Shiplett
You’re right about the kid’s expression. It’s what first caught my attention and started me thinking about the country his generation will come to govern.