Steve engages regular customers and newcomers alike, spreading possibilities from one to the other.
Cross-pollination is as essential to people as it is to certain classes of plants.
Angiosperms grow stronger because of the random mixing and matching of pollen. It’s nature’s way of fighting inbreeding and the aberrations that go with it. Bees, wasps, beetles, ants, butterflies and moths play an important role.
The sharing of opinions and ideas does the same thing for humans. That’s where my friend Steve Miller comes into the picture.
Steve moves among the tables and the counters at our humble coffee shop; spreading news, speculation and points of debate. He engages regular customers and newcomers alike, spreading possibilities from one to the other.
Having worked on Wall Street for decades, Steve believes that intense competition and velocity of change force people to turn inward. When he accepted a job almost a thousand miles to the west, the lifelong New Yorker grew into an extrovert who hasn’t lost his unusual talent for listening.
You can learn a lot about Anthecology by watching a man in a coffee shop.
…originally posted in the “Out Among Humans” notebook at